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Frequently Asked Questions

Let's get some clarity on what coaching is all about!

What is coaching?

Coaching helps you focus on a forward movement and helps you set goals that are attainable for you. With a coach by your side, we build a partnership, one that is encouraging and supportive. You will find that coaches create a safe space for you to explore your thoughts. A coach is someone who focuses on you, your values, and your strengths and helps you to use these in order to get the outcome you are looking for.

Who is coaching for? 

Coaching is for those individuals who are looking to take steps forward and looking to make some changes in their life. In order for coaching to achieve it's maximum potential, the client must be willing to put in the work. Still unsure? Check out my link below, "Are you ready for a life coach?"

How does coaching work?

We begin with a discovery session which is complimentary. Once we have decided if both coach and client are a good fit for each other, then we move forward with the Intake form (which is part of every package). The intake form allows me, as your coach, to get to know you on a more personal level. Our next step, we begin with a pre-session form. This form helps me to know what you want coaching on. I spend time in prayer before each session and knowing what you want to be coached on allows me to pray over this before we speak. Lastly, we begin our coaching. You decide how many times you want to be coached (whatever package you have purchased) and we move forward with that. My prayer always is that you get the most out of coaching and the beautiful transformation you are wanting!

What are my first steps to hiring a coach?

The first steps to hiring a coaching is to do a complimentary discovery session in order to decide if we are a good match. A coach/client match is important! I want to make sure you feel comfortable with being transparent and honest with me as we go through this process together.

What are your fees?

You will find pricing under Packages and Rates on the home page. Take a look at the services that are offered and from there you can decide which package best meets your needs.

How is coaching different then counseling? 

Coaching focuses on the positive and encourages movement forward. Coaching meets you where you are at and helps take those next steps that may seem too overwhelming for you to do on your own. Coaching also provides clarity for people. It's easy to be in our own heads with our own thoughts but working with a coaching will help you get some clarity on what you are thinking and feeling. Counseling deals with the past and hurts and emotions that may effect us. Although I am qualified to be a Life Coach I do not have the requirements to be a counselor. That's a whole different field, one of which I have great respect for. Therefore, I will leave counseling to those that are qualified and educated to do so!

Do I need to pay when I book online?

Booking online will only save a date for you. We will discuss the best way for you to pay after we review the contract.

What if I need to cancel or reschedule? 

You may cancel or reschedule your coaching session 24 hours prior to the session unless in an emergency. Anything after 24 hours will result in fees.

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